Tuesday, September 14, 2010

stage fright?

hey guys! (again today)

i was just going to share a few of my tips on getting over your fear of getting up on stage... or the quicker way to put it- stage fright. First of all, let me just say that stage fright is perfectly normal. But if you are going to start getting up on stage a lot or read a monologue in front of your class, sooner or later you're going to have to get over that fear. Here's some advice of how to start you off...

  1. DON'T CARE! You shouldn't be worrying about what other people think of you! My drama teacher today was talking about how of course you want your reputation to be good, but that does not mean being the most popular or the most pretty girl in school. It means just being nice to everyone. So if you're afraid that if you mess up you'll "hurt your reputation," then tell yourself- it doesn't matter. Because it doesn't.
  2. PRACTICE! For any musical or play or monologue or anything you have to do in front of an audience, 99% of the time you will be given time to practice. Even if it's just a few short minutes, make them count! If you have all your lines memorized (and have put feeling into them!!!!) then trust me- you will not be as nervous. So, basically, if you are given the time to practice- then practice... seriously.
  3. MEDITATION! Breathe slow, deep breaths. But not too deep that you will hyperventilate. Just steady, peaceful breathing can always calm down your nerves. Maybe you could also try praying, because that's always a very peaceful time for me!
  4. JUST ONE PERSON! Look out into your stadium of people, or your small class of peers... and pick one person. That one person that will not make you laugh or feel uncomfortable. That one person that makes you feel confident no matter what. That is the only person in the audience. Don't stare at them, but at least know they are they to support you.
  5. GETTING INTO THE BUSINESS! Or, if you are like me and don't get nervous at all... remember your first major role and you were really nervous? And just being on stage a lot and performing has made you sooo much less nervous, but you did once have stage fright? Well then, that's a good tip for all you that still have anxiety before getting up in front of a crowd. If you work at it and start to perform a lot, you will slowly become less and less nervous and pretty soon- it comes very natural to you.
There are so many other ways to help you overcome stage fright, and sometimes you will find that way yourself, and it might not work for other people- but it works for you, then go with it! i hope this helps!


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